What Is Domestic Violence? Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior involving physical, emotional, and sexual violence, in any combination. The violence is intentionally used as a method of intimidation, power, and … read more about Domestic Violence
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Our Mission
Safe Shelter is committed to empowering victims of physical, emotional, and sexual violence by offering information which will allow them to choose their own courses of action and by supporting them as they act on those choices.
We are further committed to educating the public on the issues surrounding domestic and sexual violence so that together we may challenge societal attitudes which condone the use of violence as a means of gaining and maintaining power and control over another person.
Our Vision
To prevent domestic violence and sexual assault in future generations.
Our Philosophy
Safe Shelter is dedicated to the conviction that all people are entitled to live in safety, free of the incidence of violence. As guiding principles, we believe:
- in respect for the dignity and equality of the individual
- that everyone has the right to self-determination
- in fairness and good faith in working with individuals
- that individuals should not be discriminated against in any respect
- in respect for the confidential nature of personal information
- that people should have access to the resources and services they need
- in the provision of advocacy for people in need
- in the promotion of societal justice, particularly related to domestic and sexual violence.
Our Primary Objectives
- To provide crisis intervention, advocacy, emergency shelter, supportive counseling, information, and referral services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
- To work with other helping agencies to provide appropriate treatment to families experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault.
- To coordinate a quality and supportive community approach concerning the treatment of domestic violence and sexual assault victims by law enforcement, health care workers, social services personnel, mental health practitioners, and others in a position to assist victims.
- To provide information on domestic violence and sexual assault to the community in order to dispel myths, thus building a greater awareness of the issues and generating social change.
- To aid in the prevention of dating violence and date rape by distributing materials appropriate for adolescents and young adults.
- To gather and disseminate information concerning the incidence of personal violence in our communities.
Our Primary Services
- Crisis intervention through both personal and phone contact, available 24 hours a day.
- Temporary, emergency shelter for victims and their children.
- Support Counseling for victims in both individual and group settings.
- Advocacy is provided for those victims needing support and assistance at the doctor’s or lawyer’s office, at the hospital, when talking to law enforcement and social services personnel, and in matters concerning housing and employment.
Information about and referrals to other appropriate helping agencies. - Coordinating agency for the Sexual Assault Reponse Team (SART) in Stutsman County. The SART, which includes a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, a Law Enforcement Officer, and a Safe Shelter Advocate, can provide compassionate, informed treatment and support at the time of a rape crisis. Safe Shelter also provides follow-up advocacy for sexual assault victims.
- Information and education for the community on the issues surrounding domestic and sexual violence.
- Information and education for young people specific to the issues of teen dating violence and date rape.
- Conducting evidence-based prevention programs such as Safe Dates for students in middle schools, focused on respect for others and healthy relationships, in an effort to prevent domestic and sexual violence in the future.
- Training for other professionals in the community who may come in contact with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.